Let your customers know you are still here
There are several ways you can let your customers know you are still in business.
You may have always relied on a walk-in trade and never needed to use digital methods, or you may have used digital methods, but only to compliment your current service. Now that the current situation has changed so drastically, you may find that you will rely on using these methods more than before.
We have put together a document to help answer some questions.
If anything is missing or if you would like me to explain anything further, please contact me by email: saffronwaldenbid@gmail.com
Here are some ideas of ways you can keep customers informed:
Update your website to tell your clients whether you are still able to trade, you can do this by adding blog posts, a message on your homepage or a page about your ‘current offers’..
If your offering has changed, let them know. If you can sell via your website, promote this using social media and newsletters.
Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked-In, YouTube and Pinterest all offer a FREE medium in which you can keep your clients up-to-date. Ask your friends, family and fellow local businesses to share this information. Also, if you tag #supportsaffronwalden or @supportsaffronwalden we will share your posts too. We have over 750 followers that we will be happy to share your content with.
If you are able to create video tutorials for your profession then do so, this is a great way of promoting as people always love a bit of free information!
You can use Mailchimp to set up a free newsletter to share info, news and special offers with new and existing customers. (You must ask permission to ensure you comply with current GDPR rules) Mailchimp is free software that enables you to create lists to share content via a newsletter. It also allows you to track who opens your emails and any links that have been clicked on too.
An idea…
If you do not have an e-commerce website, but would like to sell some of your products using online methods, you could try this:
Design a campaign to share via email and social media.
Make sure you include:
- Your Logo
- A list of products you would like to sell
- How people can contact you to purchase the items (via email / mobile phone)
- How to pay