New business grants available from Uttlesford District Council!

UDC are very keen to distribute the EBAF grant to local businesses.  


If you haven’t already applied these are some of the things that have been approved………

  • social media campaigns,
  • advertisements in the local papers,
  • Leaflets
  • website creation (where a business does not currently have a web presence)
  • website upgrades to include ecommerce
  • Perspex screens
  • automatic hand sanitiser stations
  • ipads to reduce the amount of paper used, to sell items online, to conduct classes online
  • Outside tables, chairs, shelter and heaters
  • Café barriers, Marquee purchase/hire, Items to allow diversification into takeaways
  • Building works to allow for social distancing.

If you are in any doubt, contact Sarah Lewin (Business Support Officer) 01799 510521 who will be happy to tell you if your expenditure qualifies and if it doesn’t equally happy to work with you to identify expenditure that does qualify.  I am sure you will find that Sarah is very helpful and UDC are very keen to make sure this money finds its way to Uttlesford businesses.

“closed” grants

UDC have confirmed that if you received cash from the original Tier 2 closed grant you do not need to re-apply for a follow-on payment.  It will be automatically paid to you.

However, the Tier 4 closed grant will need to be applied for and UDC are expecting the website to be ready for applications at the end of the week.

UDC are seeking clarification from the government on the lockdown 3.0 closed grant announced by the chancellor this morning. Once we have more news we will share it with you.