Uttlesford Business Directory enables locals to connect with essential services

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) have launched a programme to allow residents to connect with local businesses that have adapted customer-collect and home delivery services during the COVID-19 outbreak.

R4U Chair Cllr John Lodge, who is also Council Leader at Uttlesford District Council, said “Residents and local business owners are rightly worried about their futures. Local independent businesses and their employees are particularly at risk because of an understandable drop in trade. These include our cafes, pubs, restaurants, butchers, bakers, greengrocers, fishmongers and community stores. A number have been forced to shut as part of national social distancing measures; others have had to quickly change how they do business. We love and want these businesses to survive and they are a great source of locally prepared and produced food.”

“In support R4U has launched a district-wide COVID-19 Business Directory. Residents can use it to find out which businesses are open or temporarily shut, and which now offer takeaway or delivery services. For example a number of village pubs that are closed to drinkers and diners now offer takeout food services. The list of well over 100 establishments is growing daily and changing rapidly. We encourage residents to get the latest status and connect to their community businesses at www.Residents4u.org/shoplocal. Please bookmark and share it. We also call on local business owners who have yet to provide updates to do so as their circumstances change.”

R4U’s Cllr Lodge added “In other matters, last week our R4U-led administration at UDC announced their response strategy to try to keep critical council services running. UDC also launched a helpline to connect those that want to volunteer in their communities. Residents and volunteer groups should call the UDC COVID Volunteer Hotline on 03333 408 218 or email communityresponse@uttlesford.gov.uk to help get connected. It is wonderful to see such community spirit across our district in these difficult times. R4U is playing its part too, asking our team to join or set up local volunteer delivery and support networks where they are able.”